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    Damiët is a mother, a certified therapist, a visionary artist and possibilitator, with her roots in the Netherlands, her centre connected to Gaia and her blossoming in Aotearoa.   

    Damiët offers therapy sessions online and in person. 

  • Sessions 

    Everyone's journey in life is different and everone has their own circumstances, wants and needs. With her treasure box of experience, tools, and wisdom Damiet will offer you a unique individualised experience in service of YOU and your personal healing and transformation.

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    Counselling, Couple Counselling and Coaching


    Counselling is a collaboration between the counsellor and client. It's about identifying goals and potential solutions to problems which cause emotional distress. Seeking to improve communication and coping skills; strengthening self-esteem; changing old behaviour patterns and optimising mental health.


    Besides indiviual clients, Damiët works with couples and families. With her training of Sytem FamilyTherapy in the Netherlands, she is specialized in complex relationships.


    Coaching is opening doors to possibilities. Unlocking peoples potential to maximise their own growth.


    Damiët is a provisional member of NZAC

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    Creative Arts Therapy and Art of Allowing 


    As a qualified Art Therapist (BA,1997) Damiët offers Art Therapy Sessions. Creative arts therapy is an experiential psychotherapeutic approach utilising arts modalities within a relationship with a trained therapist, attending to emotional, cognitive, physical and spiritual well-being.


    Damiet is a Certified Art of Allowing Facilitator (2018). This is an Intuitive-based painting approach which empowers the participant to create from the intelligence of their own inner Guidance. Painting in this form is a love affair that expresses itself through color, movement, shapes and form in a magnificent unfolding on the canvas. It’s a miraculous mirror that allows our deepest Essence and highest truths to be revealed.

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    Synergetic Play Therapy 


    Synergetic Play Therapy (2008) is a researched-informed model of play therapy blending the therapeutic power of play with nervous system regulation, interpersonal neurobiology, physics, attachment, mindfulness, and therapist authenticity. Damiët is one of the two certified Synergetic Play Therapists (2021) of New Zealand. This is a therapy specifc for children and works well with children who have experienced trauma.


    The Synergetic Play Therapist is allowing, noticing and verbalising sensations in the body. The therapist feels and speaks to the feelings when they come up in response to the expressions of the client and in that way models it to the child/client The client then gets a template of how to be with feelings and emotions. When the feelings are allowed, they get intensified and the therapist becomes the external regulator (of the nervous system) and simultaneously models the regulation, so the child learns to self regulate.

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    Emotional Healing Sessions 


    An Emotional Healing Process is a facilitated Transformational-change experience that comes from Possibility Management. Possibilty Management creates a brigde from Modern Culture to Next Culture. Emotional healing is needed to transform old wounds of reactivtiy to an Initiation Process of Authentic Adulthood. Becoming an Adult in Possibility Management means cleaning up (emotional) messes to make space for unknown possibiltities and expanding your box (personality)


    The prerequisite for successful results in Emotional Healing Process is a certain degee of awareness and competence to be able to consciously feel.

    The spaceholder holds the space, differently as in therapy. The spaceholder is in service of the client's process and creates and navigate unreasonable nonlinear spaces.

    Costs per session 


    100 dollar per session

  • Projects

    What is feeding my purpose?

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    Possibility Management Aotearoa/New Zealand

    Possibility Management empowers you to change directions and create a regenerative way of life. With new thoughtware and a new way of living you can create completely new results not depending of the circumstances. It works by converting inner barriers into fertilizer, doorways, rocket ships, or avoidable mud puddles along your path of evolution.
    Possibility Management is upgraded thoughtware for catalyzing change in the physical, intellectual, emotional or energetic obstacles blocking you and your team from using non-obvious possibilities.
    For more than 40 years the originators of Possibility Management have passionately shared open-code tools and distinctions that bring people into greater coherence.
    Today a worldwide community of trainers works tirelessly and highly inspired together to implement the shared vision of a global shift: build bridges between modern culture which brings humanity to its limits, and the next cultures where archetypal initiated men and women collaborate with each other.

    In Aotearoa a strong community is building and there are many offerings. Click on the image to get more information and up to date trainings.

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    Possibilitator Training

    Possibilitator Training is empowered by the tools, thoughtmaps, distinctions, and processes of Possibility Management
    Possibility Management is thoughtware for next culture - archearchy - the culture that naturally emerges after matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course. In many ways, a Possibilitator serves as a midwife for the emergence of next culture.

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    Soul Sister Art

    Soul Sister Art is about connecting with ourselves and each other, with the Divine Feminine, with the creative force that moves through.

    When we allow ourselves to be, we are tapping into a place of deeper knowing. In creating art in this way we are listening to the guidance from within. When we act on the impulses to create, magic happens. The canvas becomes a mirror, a portal of the beauty of our own feminine essence.

  • Articles 

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

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